First year of MBBS is quite paradoxical. It’s nothing like you expect med school to be but at the same time it’s probably one of the most important years of your medical career.
You study subjects like : Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry.
Each one of these subjects form the bedrock of fundamental knowledge that’ll guide a student towards becoming a competent future Physician or a Surgeon.Sans a sound knowledge of these subjects mediocrity cannot be averted.
So this article here is book recommendation for 1st Prof MBBS subjects for medical students.
• Anatomy : The age old preference for medical students both graduates and post graduates for studying anatomy in India atleast has been B D Chaurasiya. Contrary to what some elitist might tell you the book is pretty standard and followed pan India. You can use Grey’s Anatomy as a reference.
• Physiology : The importance of this subject cannot be overstated. Combined with Pathology it forms over 70% portion of Medicine. Concepts here are of Supreme importance. There are two standard textbooks here – Guyton and Ganong. While I myself used Guyton, I usually took up Ganong and was blown away by the artistic way in which certain concepts were explained. It wasn’t just factual and standard it was awe worthy. So my vote goes to Ganong.Other books widely used are – GK Pal & Sembulingam.GK Pal is on the bulkier side with alot more detailing than necessary and Sembulingam is on the lighter side with mostly only essential information for exam oriented students.
• Biochemistry : Biochemistry even though an equally important subject usually gets sidelined during the first year of MBBS because most attention ends up being given to Anatomy or Physiology.Most students stick to most widely used books like Vasudevan or Satyanarayan. The most standard books of medical Biochemistry available in India would probably be Harper or Lange.Many might call them an overkill.While books like R M Prasad are popular among exam centric students it is widely considered an exam preparatory manual.
Whatever books you decide to choose, it is in your good best interest to either have your notes ready or to go with those books which you can quickly revise before the exams.
Reading once will do you no good in the exam if you fail to revise multiple times before the exam.
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