- Online Gurukul

The most effective way to study for your NEET (UG) Exam

Abraham Lincoln once said:

 If you give me 8 hours to chop down a tree, then spend the first 7 hours in sharpening the axe.”

The above mentioned quote shows the significance of preparation and strategy making before committing to a task.

Here are a few ways that have been tried and tested again and again and are some of the best ways to ensure that you get the maximum returns for your time and energy investments.

Things to do during your preparation phase:

•While you are making notes for what you’re being taught in the class/coaching at the end of each chapter for each subject staple a page — just one & in that page you write the most important stuff For example: When you’re reading physics in that page you write down all the important formulas and rules and expressions this way, when you’re revising you won’t have to go through the entire thickness of your notes but just a bunch of pages and you’re sorted with your revisions.

• While you’re going through a chapter, read it as if you were to frame questions out of this chapter that is to say — read it from the examiner’s point of view. This will help you have a clear picture of what’s important and what’s not from an exam point of view.

• More important than rereading the theory and knowing exactly where is what you need to realise that your time is better spent in solving MCQs. Maximum yield for your efforts.

• Stick to limited study material, I would recommend sticking to your coaching modules, a second textbook for MCQs like DC Pandey for Physics and NCERT at your fingertips for Biology & Chemistry.

Thing’s to do in the last leg of your preparations:

• This one is down to personal preferences but it’s always a good idea to stop going all the way to your coaching centre when you’re done with the majority of your syllabus and feel that you can handle the remaining small portion faster and on your own.

• Suppose your exam is from 0900hrs to 1200hrs, then a good way of preparing for the same is by sitting in your room everyday for that time duration and solving either a previous year question paper or a mock test, followed by complete assessment of your performance.

• Writing multiple mock tests and assessing them to explore your weaknesses and strengthening them.

Following these few simple yet effective practices should help you make the most of your hard work and labour.

Best wishes!

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