- Online Gurukul

Things to know before starting on your Med school journey

It’s always a good idea to know in advance about where you’re going & what to expect & the same can be said about your med school journey. This article will shed some light upon the same – what it’s like and what to expect from your med school.

1. Your NEET performance has very little to do with your performance in med school.

Now to some this might come as a surprise. Some might be relieved and some might be confused but this is in fact true. I reckon not just in med school but all higher educational institutions where you get in, post a competitive exam. The batch-opener might turn into the guy who often gets a supply & seldom class whilst the average guy might turn out to outperform most in his class.

Med school and NEET are very different & while having a good tolerance to pressure and perseverance definitely come in handy, they will not translate to success without plethora of hard work.

2. Years of preparing for Objective exams leaves you dumbstruck with Subjective Professionals.

Now, the subjective exams in med schools are called Professionals or simply Profs. These are something you’ll need some time to prepare for and getting used to. Unlike NEET UG where all that mattered was you knowing or not knowing the correct option – here, it’s all about presentation.

There’s both good and bad to it.

Don’t know an answer? Fine, just write something relevant and you’ll get something still. Know the answer very well but your presentation sucks? Bad, you’ll get lower marks.

3. Rapport with people around you matters.

While we all tend to go in a self-dug cave while we’re preparing for our entrances and kind of end up becoming asocial beings, being social or at least selectively social is of much importance in med school.

These are the people who’ll be the doctors of your generation and you need to have connections with at least some of them to get along in this world – to ask and do favors for.

4. Practical marks are inversely proportional to your year of studying.

What it means is that in order to pass a professional you’ll often find yourself relying on your marks in the practicals to supplement your marks in theory & that works – initially but not afterwards.

See, when you’re a fresher the professors understand that too and give you a helping hand of sorts by being lenient with you during the practical exams – they’ll roast you during the viva no doubt about that but they’ll also give you decent marks above the passing score to help you pass.

This support keeps on decreasing as you move from first year to second then to third and finally comes the final year – being infamous for being the exam in which students often clear their theory exam but fail in their clinicals.

Hope this article leaves you with a somewhat better idea of your life in med school than from when you came here.

All the best & congratulations for making it through!

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