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One month to go:- Last month preparation for JEE 2022

JEE exam is hardly a month away and after this month all the hard work and sleepless nights will be completely worth it if you use this month in the proper way to study hard. Just have patience and keep doing hard work even if you have zero confidence towards your exam. Don’t think whether you will be able to to clear it  or not because giving up is the greatest failure than failing in exam.
This month is a game changer, If you just give up in the last month before JEE exam, then you will never be able to score high even if you have worked hard. But if you haven’t  worked hard enough & give your very best in this month, then you will definitely get a very good result and believe me it is already tried and tested because JEE wants to make you a better and hardworking person than before, selection is just a part of this exam but the important thing is the lesson of life which will stay with you forever.
This month, just give your very best for JEE exam, study as many hours as you can, solve as many questions as you can. This month will decide your final rank, so just forget everything that you have faced before and keep your focus in one direction and have faith in yourself.
Most of the students feel anxiety in the last month and waste their whole time by  only thinking about how will be the question paper, what will be the difficulty level of questions, will I be able to attempt questions or not? All such things keeps revolving around our mind but the thing is that you should not think about all such things at this moment. Just take care of your syllabus, as that’s the most important thing. If you will think only about such questions then you will repent after the exam because you will find that you have ruined both the things, exam as well as your precious time.
Lastly, I would recommend you to brush up all your concepts by reviewing your notes or short notes and then just move to the last year questions as these are some most important materials to solve. I would suggest you to solve last year questions in the form of mock exams as these questions are the one which can tell you about the level of your preparation and mock exams will make up your mind for solving last year questions.
Other than all these things I would suggest you to keep calm and keep doing your hard work without thinking about any other thing, as this month has that much pressure which can make you to give up but you have to  make yourself positive by proper management of sleep for at least 7-8 hours and by doing some sort of meditation.
For more such useful information, keep following Pracbee.