NEET is one of the most prestigious examinations held in India. And is one of the foremost Prominent national level entrance examinations. Every year lakhs of aspirants write in this coveted exam but only a few hundred can crack this exam and secure a seat in the most prestigious medical colleges. Therefore, the candidates need to travel through the preparation mistakes and rectify them beforehand to ace the exam. We have come up with this article that talks about the tips to be used while preparing for the NEET Exam.
NEET Preparation Tips to become Toppers
1. From the start of the preparation, stay passionate about your goals, and dream and keep in mind what you will achieve after clearing the NEET exam with top rank.
2. Be consistent and honest in your preparation (the most important thing). Daily studies and practice is the most pivotal skill you need to crack NEET.
3. Prepare a simple timetable for NEET. Don’t follow the schedule/timetable of your peers or anyone suggesting. Make sure you achieve your daily or weekly targets.
4. Understand the concepts instead of memorizing things (an exception to some topics in Chemistry and Biology). Use of proper and good NEET study material and NCERTs are recommended.
5. Be aware of simple, basic concepts before knowing the complex ones. New concepts delivered in a way that builds upon existing concepts are simpler to form a sense of and retain. While solving questions, apply the tricks and shortcuts (mostly taught by your coaching teachers).
6. Resolve your doubts quickly. If you don’t understand anything, ask an equivalent question again and again from your teacher.
7. Do your homework/ assignments on time and take them seriously. Don’t neglect what’s happening currently in your coaching classes to enhance previous concepts or backlogs. Your prime priority should be to end your current assignments and homework on schedule.
8. In the test, attempt that subject first in which you are most comfortable. During the NEET exam and before that in practice tests also, don’t let any questions eat up some time. Skip the question as soon as you’re nowhere on the brink of the solution. Come back to solve these questions after you finish the whole paper once.
9. Whenever you attempt any NEET mock test, you are likely to give wrong answers. The objective isn’t just to unravel the test but to analyze it on an equivalent day for mistakes and weaknesses. If you apply this strategy, you will surely gain strides with each mock test that you give during the NEET preparation.
10. For maximum score in NEET, all you need to do is time management and a pattern of solving questions. The management of your time and pattern is often only achieved by serious dedicated preparation and question-solving.
11. Make your notes. You always remember better once you write things by hand instead of reading from a book. Never try to recreate the exact text from the book. Read, then write them in your own words.
12. For efficient preparation, consistent revision is necessary. Your notes will help and assist you during revision and preparation time.
13. Don’t take extreme pressure, it will be good for you if you go with a positive mind to the exam.
14. Avoid silly mistakes, first in mock tests and then on exam day.
Is there any exclusive strategy that NEET toppers follow in their preparation?
NEET toppers don’t follow any unique strategy. They just concentrate on what their teachers suggest, maintain the main target and discipline a day during the preparation. They solve their assignments and homework on schedule to not waste any time. Toppers always ask their doubts, small or big.
NEET toppers timetable
NEET toppers don’t adhere to any schedule except their own. They know their productive hours, so they manage their time well between studies and other tasks.
How many hours NEET aspirants should study?
NEET aspirants should study as much as their mind and body allow. Whenever they study, they should focus with full concentration. Neither should they waste time, nor overdo their studies. No procrastination, no exhaustion. Students should stick to a schedule with an average of 6 hours of self-study every day.
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