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JEE Main 2024: Biometric Attendance And Frisking Again After Taking A Toilet Break

There is a new rule for JEE Main 2024 that requires candidates to undergo biometric attendance and frisking again after taking a toilet break. This rule has been implemented by the National Testing Agency (NTA) with the aim of ensuring fairness and preventing cheating during the exam.

Here’s a summary of the key points about the rule:

  • Applies to: All candidates appearing for JEE Main 2024.
  • Procedure:
    • Before entering the exam hall, candidates will undergo biometric attendance and frisking.
    • After taking a toilet break, candidates will need to re-enter the exam hall through a designated gate where they will again undergo biometric attendance and frisking.
    • This re-entry process applies not only to candidates but also to exam officials, observers, and other staff handling refreshments.
  • Purpose: To prevent candidates from using toilet breaks for activities like:
    • Accessing unauthorized materials.
    • Communicating with others to gain unfair advantage.
    • Leaving the exam hall and returning with prohibited items.

Reactions to the rule:

  • Some students have expressed concerns about the inconvenience and potential embarrassment of having to undergo frisking and biometric attendance multiple times during the exam.
  • Others understand the rationale behind the rule and believe it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the exam.

It’s important to note that this rule is only applicable to JEE Main 2024. Other exams conducted by the NTA may have different protocols.

For further information and updates, you can refer to the official JEE Main website: https://jeemain.nta.nic.in/

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.