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How to analyse your JEE mock tests

With JEE main right around the corner, mock tests are now students best friends. But to get the maximum out of your mocks, you also need to know how to best analyse your mock tests. The main objective of analysing a mock test is to identify the strong and weak areas, as they are designed as per the pattern of JEE exam. Many students procrastinate giving mock tests, but it can result in the loss of valuable time left for the exam, adversely affecting your JEE score. So, don’t delay your mocks for later days, as it will overburden you before the exam.

If the idea of full-length mock tests frightens you too much, then first, attempt the sectional mocks. It will build up your confidence to take up full-length tests. Once completed the mock tests, the next important step is performance analysis. Mock tests help you measure the level of your preparation for the JEE exam. Many aspirants put in the same amount of hard work, but what boosts their score in the actual exam is their strategy for the exam. Strategy and an optimum level of hard work constitute ‘SMART WORK’; moreover, only an efficient analysis can lead to an effective strategy and avoid repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

The analysis does not only mean comparison of scores, but a lot of other things also like, ‘Where you went wrong while solving the question?’, ‘Where did you spend more time than the average time required?’, ‘Which questions/areas/subjects troubled you the most?’, ‘Have you forgotten some important fact or information during the exam?’ etc. After submitting your test, you are presented with figures like percentile, score, accuracy etc. This gives you an overall idea of the areas you need to work on.

While attempting a mock test, always start with the section you are most comfortable with; beginning with an easy or strong section will boost your confidence and help you score high.

After scanning your section-wise performance and accuracy, see which subject requires more attention, which chapter requires more attention, do you remember all the crucial facts and figures or not. Remember, you need to maintain an excellent overall balance in all the sections to get a high score. Ideally, equal time should be given to each section, but it can vary as per your skills and interest.

After doing a sectional analysis, you can quickly check your question-wise analysis and strategies for each section.

  • Think of a sequence in which you should attempt the questions during the mock like, first solve the strong areas, or easy questions firsts, or less time-consuming first, or you want to start with weaker areas, challenging questions, or time-consuming questions.
  • Devise a time management strategy. Think of how much time you need to allot to each question. You can further invest the saved time to solve the more challenging questions later by making a time management plan. Your aim should be to try and solve all the questions in the given time.
  • See which areas you scored high on and which chapters you could solve quickly? See your previous performance for that chapter or subject. Consistently good performance should be your goal while giving mock tests.
  • See which questions you answered incorrectly. You can also compare your solution with the one given by the institute. Check what went wrong? How it went wrong? If the solution technique is the same, it indicates a lack of accuracy and practice. If the solution is different, then learn & practice it regularly to never repeat that same mistake again.
  • See which questions were left overlooked. Try to solve these questions again by yourself, check whether your answer is correct or not. Then, check the given solution and plan to never leave that questions unattempt again.

This kind of analysis helps you identify- which questions you are strong/weak/in between, which questions needs to be done first, which questions should be solved later and how much time should be allotted to various types of questions.

  • Remember to compare your present mock test with the previous mock test overall performance and improvement analysis.
  • Do not feel disheartened if you cannot score well in the initial mocks. As the saying goes, ‘Rome was not built in a day. The primary motive behind taking mock tests is to assist you in designing the most appropriate strategy before your exam date. The end goal is to score in the actual exam, but you need to score high in your mocks to do so.
  • Most importantly, keep revising and practising the previous mocks regularly without gaps. Some students who don’t analyse their mistakes end up making the same mistakes repeatedly, and If you do a thorough analysis of your mocks, you will be much ahead of your fellow competitors.

However, planning is backbreaking work to do, but it can give you a clear mindset while giving the exams. Keeping the above things in mind, do a practical analysis & develop a strategy that works best for you.

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