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A walk through Organic and Inorganic Chemistry for JEE Main

JEE Main examination is divided into Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry with each subject given equal weightage. Though each subject is equally important, chemistry holds a special place in the heart of JEE aspirants as it requires relatively less time during the exam and time saved can be used in other sections. Under chemistry, the chapters are further divided into Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry. Physical chemistry involves solving time consuming numerical problems but Organic and Inorganic chemistry is mostly based on facts and application of concepts. It won’t take much time to solve questions in this area if students have clarity of concepts and hence such topics should be mastered as they help in dual ways, one by giving you marks, secondly by giving you more time for other questions. In this article, we will be going through various topics included under Organic chemistry & Inorganic chemistry and their importance for the exam.

Organic Chemistry for JEE Main seems difficult in the beginning as it involves a lot of reactions, mechanisms, etc. which requires proper and detailed understanding. However, once the concepts become clear and regular revision is done, students themselves figure out methods to learn concepts in organic chemistry. General Organic Chemistry, Isomerism, Organic Compounds is the most important topic under organic chemistry which accounts for around 20 percent of chemistry. While studying organic chemistry, students should focus more on understanding the reaction mechanisms by knowing the WHY behind every step of reactions. This will help in solving the problems by themselves even if they are not able to recall any particular fact. Rather than following an approach of memorising so many things, it is advised to understand the logic or else students will find themselves burdened with so many facts. However, certain topics like various tests and their outcomes, etc. do need memorisation and cannot be left. It is also advised to practice questions once the concepts are taught so that students are able to find out their weaknesses and have the right mindset and strategy for revision. Making short notes for every chapter proves to be very useful in the case of this subject as a quick glance of so many reactions at one place is fruitful rather than turning so many pages to revise all reaction mechanisms.

Inorganic Chemistry like organic chemistry is also more about concepts and facts rather than formulas and numericals. Students are advised not to skip NCERTs for these topics as questions under this section have been very straightforward at times and could be solved by having the right knowledge. Inorganic Chemistry acts as a differentiator between the students who reach in the higher marks bracket and those who don’t. Answering questions under this topic requires minimum time and provides extra time for other subjects. Therefore, the students who master the concepts of inorganic chemistry do enjoy this dual advantage which may not be present in other subjects. 

Chemical Bonding and Molecular structure, P-block elements are some of the important topics under this topic and account for around 7-8 questions. One thing that students are advised is to do a regular revision of inorganic chemistry or else studying it won’t be fruitful. This subject has a lot of facts and requires memorization of many exceptions too. Students can keep a separate notebook where they can write down important concepts, exceptions, facts, etc. so that they can do regular revision of these topics.

Last but not the least, like any other subject whole chemistry needs regular practice of questions. Doing this will bring more clarity, help in identifying strengths and weaknesses thereby helping in building the right strategy for revision and also attempting exams.

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