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What is the right time to start JEE preparation?

This question is very general that arises in every aspirants mind that what is the right time to start the JEE preparation. Few aspirants are there who start preparation very early that is from class 6th, while others choose to prepare from class 9th or 10th. While others like to start the preparation along with board classes, while few likes to prepare in one year after class 12th that is in drop year.

Different time to start JEE preparation

Class 6th and onwards

Very few aspirants are there who start preparing for JEE very early that is from class 6th and after that. Those aspirants who start their preparation very early their main target is JEE Advanced that is why they do JEE Advanced oriented preparation. Some of those aspirants start their preparation from class 9th or 10th. So when one starts the JEE preparation, what matters is how focused is the student. Early preparation does not ensure one’s success. One’s hard work and smart work ensures the success.

Class 11th 

There are many aspirants who start JEE preparation when they are in class 11th. Since JEE covers syllabus of both class 11th and 12th. So, it becomes easy to manage both things together: class as well as JEE preparation.

After class 12th 

There are many aspirants who complete their class 12th first and then they take one year drop to prepare for JEE. These aspirants do so because they find difficulty in managing school and JEE together. They know how tough it is to prepare for JEE and so they don’t take risk with their school as well as future career and they find drop as the best option.

From all these it can be said that it depends on each student that when they want to start their preparation as per their situation (economic condition/family/ time they get after school and likewise). But most of the people go for 2-year Program for JEE preparation that is along with class 11th and 12th. And even there are many advantages of preparing for JEE and boards together. So it can be said that this is the right time to start the JEE preparation. But if one wants to start early JEE preparation then class 9th  is the right time because JEE covers syllabus of both class 11th  and 12th  and we all know that roots of class 11th  and 12th  syllabus lies in class 9th  and 10th  syllabus respectively.  

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