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How JEE droppers can score high

Many of the JEE aspirants take drop whenever they don’t qualify for JEE or don’t get the desired college or branch. The reason behind taking a drop doesn’t matter much, but the thing which matters is their aim behind taking a drop. Their single aim is to perform better. But whenever one chooses to take a drop, then he/ she needs to go through some of the pros and cons of taking a drop. Some of the pros and cons are:

  • Pros
  1. One more attempt to perform better, show your potential.
  2. You don’t have to compromise neither with college nor with branch.
  3. You will have an achievable future.
  4. You will be able to focus on only one thing- JEE
  • Cons
  1. You have to spend one more year in JEE preparation which could have been used for another career related purpose.
  2. You will face performance pressure. You will always want to score better at any cost. Because of this pressure you might get depressed and your performance can get worse than before.
  3. So before taking a drop, think twice, take drop only when you are sufficiently motivated and confident that you can perform better. And as you want to score high in JEE while being a dropper you need to follow some tips.
  • Choose right sources for JEE practice

Good sources are required for practicing problems and for that you need to choose good reference books and study materials. Best books contain new questions which are important for JEE preparation. Register at https://abhyas.pracbee.com/ for unlimited free practice.

  • Solve previous year question papers

After completing your syllabus it’s important that you practice previous year question papers. Because solving previous year question papers helps you to get interacted with actual JEE problems. Also solving previous year question papers will help you to practice more problems.

  •  Solve mock tests 

Mock tests are very important before the actual test because mock tests are basically practice papers that are prepared purely based on the latest exam pattern and syllabus of the respective examination. These tests are simulation of actual exams which help aspirants in gauging their preparation. Mock tests help to boost your confidence. Hence, it’s important that you solve mock tests.WhatsApp Image 2021-10-08 at 6.57.28 PM

  •  Pay attention to your weakness 

As you have given JEE once, that means you are aware of the weak point of your preparation. So now you can work on those mistakes and you can improve JEE preparation.

  • Don’t be overconfident

Many of the times it happens that droppers become overconfident that they can perform better than freshers because they have given JEE once and they have covered the syllabus too. So now they don’t need to do more hard work. It will be easy for them to crack JEE.

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  •  Learn from your mistakes

As you are a dropper that means you are aware of the pattern of JEE, its marking style and toughness level of paper. You must be aware of mistakes which you have made during your last attempt of JEE. So now you can learn from those mistakes and you can correct those mistakes and can perform better.

As a dropper, do certain things, revise concepts, correct mistakes and practice more problems.

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