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Right way to attempt JEE main exam

Whenever one is going to attempt any paper in an exam then it becomes important to know what should be the right way to attempt the exam so that mistakes can be avoided as much as possible. Look, what happens when people attempt the JEE main paper then despite having good knowledge of the subject they fail to score good. Have you ever thought about why it happens? It happens because they are not aware of how to attempt the paper. So, if you are also an aspirant of JEE and are unaware of the strategy to attempt the paper, don’t worry here we will be discussing the same.

So, let’s start with the fact that what should be the order to attempt the paper like physics, chemistry, math or  so on. There are totally six orders of subjects in which you can attempt the paper. So, as you are going to attempt the JEE main exam, this order should be fixed. One thing you cannot do is that after sitting in an exam is that you suddenly change the order; this may even affect your score. So, before the exam, decide the subject order. Next thing that I want to discuss is switching between subjects whenever required. Generally, what happens that once an aspirant decides an order then he/ she wants to stick to the same order and wants to spend one hour on each subject. But the thing is that whenever you feel like you are facing a problem in solving a problem or it’s taking more time then switch to another subject. And after attempting the whole paper you may come back to the same place where you left. So, this switching may help you with maintaining interest in each subject.

One of the very important things that an aspirant needs to do is doing option elimination for answers. Most of the time it happens that questions can be solved with just option elimination. So, instead of wasting time in reading the language of question again and again you can easily solve the question in just a few seconds. 

During the paper you sometimes may feel very stressed and demotivated. So, in that situation try to relax yourself. Be calm and focused. Whenever you feel that you cannot solve more questions of a particular subject just change the subject. While attempting the paper try to follow only those strategies on which you have worked earlier. Don’t try anything new in the exam otherwise it might badly affect your score.

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