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Self-Analysis, a tool to master during JEE/NEET preparation

With competition skyrocketing for JEE and NEET, students need to do their best to get admitted to the college of their dreams. To do so, students should know about their strengths, which they have to further refine, weakness, which they have to overcome, opportunities, which they have to cash, and the threats they have to overcome. In short, students need to learn self-analysis.

Self-Analysis allows students to assess and streamline their preparation, improve performance and be better grounded for JEE/NEET. When students start their preparation, they are usually full of energy and enthusiasm; but eventually, because of distractions, competition’s difficulty, vast syllabus, peer pressure, etc., they become confused, distracted and even eventually lose interest. They get confused with questions like, “Why can’t I make the best strategy to prepare and crack this exam?”, “Why my scores in mocks are not improving?”, “Why can’t I remember things?”, “Why I am seeing no improvements?”, “Why I cannot master this subject?” and eventually become disheartened. These are the times where they can put self-analysis to use.

What is Self-Analysis? 

In simple words, it is a process of understanding oneself. It is a self-assessment to explore one’s own character, abilities, feelings, desires, challenges and motives. 

How self-analysis will help? 
  1. By doing self-analysis, students can get to know the points they need to work on. Like- Some students can find chemistry as complex, some can find mathematics as easy and scoring, while physics is difficult, while others will get to know that because of their poor paper management, they cannot score well.
  2. Students will know where they stand in their preparation and how much more they need to progress. By analysing the mocks, their syllabus coverage, and their confidence, students can get to know-where of their JEE/NEET preparation.
  3. During self-analysis, the candidates can identify the challenges in the preparation required to clear the exam. Some students may find that they are spending too much time on social media. Others may find that they are not giving enough to a particular subject, or they may even find that they cannot recollect information and need to work on memorisation.
  4. By knowing these key points, students can now know which areas they need to focus on and then take in the help of their mentors, seniors, friends, etc.
  5. The more the challenges decrease, the more students feel confident in their preparation.
  6. Students can also know which study material works for them and then streamline their resources accordingly.
  7. Students will also get to know about un-utilised or under-utilised opportunities. Like- some students may have missed some JEE/NEET mock tests and are totally unconcerned about it, or some students may have missed some form and were unaware of it.
  8. It also helps students develop clarity about themselves, their potential and abilities.
  9. After doing self-analysis, students can draft and follow a timetable. Make short-term and long-term plans with SMART goals.
When to conduct a Self-Analysis? 

There are many tools and techniques for self-analysis. The easiest and most suitable out of them for students is the SWOT analysis, which compromises the study of one’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This exercise helps in self-introspection, understanding yourself, and preparing for growth. 

To do SWOT Analysis, students need to first think on the following four points and write them down- 

  1. Strengths- Strengths are the internal positive attributes or capabilities of a person. These are the areas where a student has control over and can score more. Like- The strong subjects for a student, one’s skills, resources, mentor support. In short, these are the things these are things that make you confident and on which you rely.
  2. Weaknesses- Weaknesses are the opposite of strengths, and they are the negative aspects and attributes over which an individual has little control. Like- weak areas in a subject or weak subjects, inaccessible resources, questions in which a student lacks confidence, things which make a student fear the most, critical challenges like being disorganised, short attention span or failure to handle exam stress. 
  3. Opportunities- Opportunities are opening or chances or events a person can leverage. Like- some study of exam pattern of JEE/NEET, from where you can find crucial points for your preparation or some important material you can utilise.
  4. Threats- Threats are uncontrollable external factors that challenge the strengths and opportunities. Like- The obstacles one currently faces, increasing competition, potential distractions, etc.

By doing a well-structured SWOT analysis, students can learn about their positive and negative attributes. Focusing only on the good things doesn’t give a clear sense of what needs to improve or change while concentrating on weaknesses and threats makes one overwhelmed and disheartened before developing plans. SWOT analysis focuses on internal and external characteristics and factors that helps with your JEE/NEET preparation.

Self-Analysis is a road mapping tool; by knowing your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, you can chalk out your plan to crack competitive exams like JEE/NEET. As it is said, failure is also a part of the growth process. Students should not be disheartened about poor marks or failure; instead, they should analyse their mistakes and see that they never repeat them again. A failed exam does not imply a career failure. To achieve the goal, one can attempt and try again and again. All the Best! We hope this article helps you in your preparation.

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