The National testing agency will soon notify the exam dates for JEE Main. It is expected that JEE main exam dates will be released in month of January 2022. It is expected that JEE main exam will be conducted as per the new exam pattern. Till now there are only guesses that there will be 4 attempts for JEE mains 2022 and the1st attempt will be held in month of February last week while other 3 attempts will be held in March, April and May respectively. But since dates are not confirmed yet so students can not plan their schedule or strategy accordingly. As dates are not confirmed yet so be prepared even for worst situation. Try to cover your syllabus and revision by the end of January such that if exam gets preponed or postponed, it doesn’t affect your performance.
If JEE main gets preponed then also you will be able to perform good if you complete your preparation by end of January. And if it happens that JEE main exam gets postponed then also situation will be in your favor because in that case you will get more time to do practice and revision and also in that time period you will get a chance to work on weaker areas.
Don’t wait for exam dates to release, continue your preparation because if you will wait for exam dates and then plan the strategy then you will get late. So, focus on JEE main preparation instead of thinking of exam dates.
It’s true that aspirants are always curious to know exam dates. This is a totally different kind of excitement. After knowing exam dates aspirants start their last step of JEE main preparation in full swing.
We all know that National testing agency which is popularly known as NTA is a government organization that was established as a premier autonomous and self- sustained testing organization to conduct entrance examinations for admission/ fellowship in higher educational institutions.
As NTA has not announced exam dates yet so utilize your left-over time and prepare for JEE main. Cover theory, revise formulas, practice questions. Follow time table, follow good study materials, and follow NCERT as well for both theory and practice. Practice previous year question papers and give mock tests as mock tests are designed as per the latest exam guidelines and latest syllabus.
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