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How to overcome anxiety before your CBSE board exams?

The CBSE Class X 2021 board exams are set to commence from 4th of May and the last exam is on 7th June. Board exams are the most crucial part of school education and with just two months left for the exam, anxiety levels among the students are at all time high. Students are advised to stay calm at this moment as the time they could have used in having a focused preparation might get wasted in useless worry for exams. Managing stress along with studying hard is important for the effective use of time and more retention of the learned concepts. 

Here are few revision and stress management tips for students to overcome board exam fear and boost their scores in the exam:

  1. Plan a productive timetable

To start the preparation for your CBSE boards or revision in a productive way, students must have a timetable to follow. Students should manage a strict time table that should necessarily include their study hours, sleeping and resting time, and other necessity activities. More number of hours should be dedicated to subjects depending on the weaknesses and strengths. This time table should be adhered to as discipline is the ultimate key to success.

  1. A proper Revision Plan

It is assumed that by now, students should have completed their curriculum and started revision. Students should be well aware of the important topics and the revision should be based on the weightage of the topic and how good they are in it. They must give more time to the subject they find quite difficult.

  1. Schedule small breaks

Studying the same subject for long may get quite monotonous for students. Hence, they are suggested to give their devotion to more subjects with small breaks in between. Having regular breaks can help in preventing fatigue and stay focused.These breaks refresh your mind and maintain your attention and motivation.

  1. Solve previous year CBSE board question papers

To get rid of anxiety and stress during CBSE board exams, it is advised to solve previous year exams or mock exams which will boost your confidence and give an idea of the pattern of CBSE board examination. It will also help students to manage their time during the actual examination. This is one of the most critical factors to score high marks in the examination as it has been seen that similar questions come up regularly in the exam. Students are highly encouraged to solve past year questions and be well versed with their solutions.

  1. Prepare short notes for quick revision

Preparing short notes during studying is like hitting two birds with one stone. This will help students in retaining the concepts they have learnt and also prepare crisp notes for the last minute revision. It’s a good practice to have notes of critical points of the topic or basic formulas as this will help them to cover all important parts in the short time before the exam.

  1. Proper sleep and healthy meal

Last but not the least, students should take proper care of their health and take proper sleep specially before the exam day. Although the duration of the sleep may vary according to the requirement from student to student, 7 hour sleep is considered to be the ideal one. Maintaining good health and having healthy food during preparation is utmost  important as a fresh mind would certainly think more and answer questions in a better manner.  This has to be taken very seriously as all the hard work of the students is at stake and dependent on one exam.

Apart from the above points, having a positive mindset and confidence in their exam preparation plays a vital role to avoid stress. Students can also try performing simple stress-relieving activities like yoga, meditation or any other stress busting activities to relax. For parents, it is important to understand that providing a healthy and positive environment to your child is equally essential.

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