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How to manage lectures with self-study

Time management is really crucial to crack any entrance exam. With increasing competition  every passing year most of the candidates choose to have an extra edge over their counter parts by joining any sort of Institute or enrolling themselves to any online classes. However, with hours of lectures the aspirants find themselves devoid of the most important thing that is self-study.

These days it has become difficult for the candidates to manage classes along with self-study because of several other distractions. The key is to juggle classes and studying by oneself is the cliche term called, Time management.  Start with scheduling, first, figure out the immovable stuff (classes, etc.), and schedule those in. Then schedule the rest of your time. Doing things randomly will not serve any purpose. To get the desired result, you need to prioritize the things. For this, you first need to understand the importance and urgency of different tasks. Students are needed to make the most out of little time spared before and after the lectures. Try to divide your time into pomodoro sessions. For instance if you are a morning bird you can easily make room for two pomodoro sessions of 1  hour  each  before your morning lectures or classes. 

After your classes and decent amount of rest you can again start with your Pomodoro sessions with 15 minutes break to help you complete your other chores or just relax. 

Take another long break to unwind and continuing the same pattern of going ahead with your sessions. 

Try to sketch a rough to do list in the morning to help you plan your day ahead. However try not to go overboard since not going according to the plan might exacerbate your deep seated anxieties. 

Studying a night before the exam is never a good option. It not just hampers your sleep but also increases the stress that has a direct impact on the performance in the exam. It is better you revise regularly and smartly to reduce the burden when the exam date is near. You can watch recorded video lectures daily to retain the information. Just for a break from the boring traditional books, you can also study from visual and digital learning mediums. After a traditional-class-therapy in school, it might create a boredom for you to repeat it again in NEET coaching classes. Online learning resources like recorded video lectures make learning better. Take help of animations, illustrations and 3D images to make it easier for the students to understand the concepts quickly and retain the information.

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