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Study schedule for NEET 2022

How to study for NEET is the favorite question of every student. Don’t panic for the few months that are left for the exam. Stay calm and follow the mentioned tips: 

How many hours to study? 

You should study a minimum of 4 hours everyday efficiently. Don’t use social media at the time of  studying . Be focused while studying . If you need more time to study more then study more. You  can extend your time of studying to 10-12 hours. 

What to study? 

Study important topics and chapter first. Then go for non important topics. When you have  completed a topic then practice its question along with it. 

Try to complete NCERT first and then go for other books. It is better to study 1 book efficiently than  to study 3-4 books improperly. 

When to study? 

Best time to study is in the early morning or late at night when there is no one to disturb you. You can  study at any time but the best is this because your concentration power is high in the early morning and late at night. Otherwise whatever time you feel most concentrated,  you can go for it. 

Do you need to revise? 

Revision is a must. At least revise every topic 3-4 times. More the revision is, the more confidence  and more marks you will get. 

When to practice multiple choice questions? 

You have to solve MCQs in the time limit.  So, try to do it within 3 hours itself. Start doing mock tests 2-3 months before the exam . You should at least do 4-5 mock tests per week.

What type of multiple choice questions do you have to prepare? 

First you should prepare a previous year question paper then go for a mock test. For important  chapters and topics try to do chapter wise multiple choice questions. 

How to manage time? 

Divide your time equally between all the 3 subjects. You should do revision and multiple choice  questions everyday.  

Do you really have to compromise your sleep? 

No, you don’t need to compromise on your sleep. Sleep at least 6-7 hours everyday. Sleeping helps  you to increase your concentration . 


If you study regularly and consistently then you can surely make it in the exam . Stay calm and be  focused. All the best. 

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