- Online Gurukul

Habits that can help you crack NEET

Cracking National level competitive exams like NEET/JEE is more than just studying – it’s transformative — from the time you start your preparations to the time you end up cracking one, you’ll become or rather to say you’ll have to become someone entirely different.

One of the best advices or motivational quotes to ever cross my path during my yesteryears of studying for the big day was:

Set yours goals so high that you cannot achieve them, until you become the man that can.”

In this Blog Post we’ll be looking at some such habits that’ll be of great use not just for your NEET entrance but for other walks of life as well.

• Perseverance:  It is an attribute and not a habit but it can be cultivated in a person. Studying long hours one day only to take a chill pill on the other day isn’t taking you anywhere. Persevere, make grinding a daily activity.

• Introspection: Every once in a while, take a moment to reflect on yourself – what is your ultimate goal, what did you do today to put yourself closer to that goal? How you can improve your efforts to channel your time & energy even better.

• Stronger Together: Everyone is on their own but it’s always better to have a support system. If you have even one or two good friends with whom you can discuss your issues of the day for a short while – it’ll go a long way. Academics & otherwise, it’s always better for a person to have someone to talk to.

• Adapt: Over the past few years, a lot has changed. AIPMT became NEET (UG), Central institutions were merged into NEET, number of aspirants has sky rocketed & the pandemic has caused a paradigm shift in the way education is imparted. Using technology like YT & online lectures to your benefit for saving time & energy in traveling to & fro is a smart move. Arrange with the situation & turn things to your leverage.

The aforementioned attributes are only supplementary to your main work – that is to study regularly & relentlessly to make your mark on the merit list.

Hope this helps to bring in newer things into perspective.

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