The result of NEET UG 2021 is awaited by an enormous number of applicants who appeared for the exam. Meanwhile, National Testing Agency has extended the deadline of the correction of phase I and II registrations to 14th October. The correction window facility is available to the candidates only until 14th October, 2021. Under the correction window candidates will be able to edit details, if any, of both phase I and II registration. In this article you will be provided with the details which can be edited from the registration of both phase I and II. Later, information related to upcoming updates on NEET UG 2021 will also be given.
Phase I: The details which can be edited from phase I registration are as follows
- Gender
- Nationality
- Category
- Sub- category
- Email address
As per the latest notice by NTA, your NEET 2021 scorecard and other details will be provided to you on the email address provided by you. Hence, make sure to enter correct information.
Phase II: Following are the details of the phase II registration which can be edited
- Personal Information
- Academic Details
- Nationality and Place of Birth
- Income Details
- Documents uploaded earlier
The facility of correction window can be availed from the official website of NEET UG 2021, You will be asked to provide your application number and other login details to make any changes to your application. To avoid any unforeseen circumstances, make sure to edit/ correct the information you provided before the deadline.
The release of the official answer key of NEET UG 2021 by NTA is expected after closing of the correction window. Though there is no official announcement of the result date, it is expected to be out in a week. Once the registration window closes, NTA will be releasing the answer key on their official website. After which students will be given the chance to raise objections to any of the answers, which they feel to be incorrect. Once the whole process is completed, results will be announced by NTA.
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