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Important Chapters for JEE MAINS Physics

Physics is considered one of the most loved subjects by the students and also an important section of JEE Main to score high marks in the exam. If the subject is prepared well with the right amount of zeal and hard work, the chances of securing a good score in the section and improving your rank get higher. JEE Mains Physics syllabus is vast and the concepts included are very much practical based and conceptual. The paper does not follow a definite trend when it comes to the type of questions asked but having the list of important chapters makes the preparation easier.

The questions asked in this section are both numerical as well as concept-based. Some questions are easy and can be solved in no time as those are formulae-based numericals. The preparation of this section should be started with the basic topics as topics like unit and dimensions can be solved by the elimination method which can save time. The theory-based questions are generally 2-3 in the paper and cover topics like communication system, semiconductor, etc. The topics which are considered easy and scoring are Current Electricity,  Electrostatics, Electromagnetic Induction, and Alternating Current whereas the topics considered difficult and require a good amount of time for preparation are Thermodynamics, Waves and Oscillation Optics, Magnetism, and Modern Physics.

It is a subject which is feared by a lot of JEE aspirants and a large number of aspirants give up on physics very soon. Due to the same reason, it is really important to know the difficulty level and weightage of the various topics. Below is the classification of the chapters on the basis of their weightage.

High WeightageMedium WeightageLow Weightage
ElectrostaticsCapacitanceAlternating Current
Current ElectricityElectromagnetic InductionCalorimetry and Thermal Expansion
Electromagnetic FieldSound WavesHeat Transfer
KTG and ThermodynamicsWork, Power, and EnergyCircular Motion
Rigid Body DynamicsWave OpticsWaves on a String
Modern PhysicsRectilinear Motion and VectorsUnit and Dimension
Geometrical OpticsProjectile MotionFriction
 Centre of MassRelative Motion
 GravitationNewton’s Law of Motion
 Fluid Mechanics and Properties of Matter 
 Electromagnetic Waves and Communication 
 Simple Harmonic Motion 
 Error in Measurement 

However, students must note that despite the similarity of the JEE Main and JEE Advanced syllabus there are certain chapters that are extremely important for JEE Advanced but are not given due weightage in JEE Main. So, for a blended preparation strategy students should also look at the important chapters for JEE Advanced.

Also, students need to note that Electronic Devices, EM Waves and Communication System are not part of JEE Advanced syllabus but only of JEE Main.

Some tips on how to prepare for the Physics section for JEE Main:

Students are advised to make short notes and write down all the formulas separately while going through each of the topics. This would help in quick revision during the last days of the exam as it allows you to go through the topic without opening the textbook. Also, you need to by-heart the formulas which will help you to solve the questions faster and convert easy questions into scoring ones.

It is advisable to refer NCERT along with the other books for JEE Main as it will help you understand the concept in a better way. Also, after studying a particular topic ensure that you’ve solved the questions related to that topic including the questions from past year JEE Main papers. This will make your concepts clear and help you remember them in a better way.