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How to start your JEE preparation right after 10th boards

Now that the 10th boards are over, many students must be thinking to prepare for JEE as they might be interested in engineering or may have seen Sharma Ji’s son grabbing a package of 1 crore after completing his engineering. Whatever the reason may be, you’ve decided to be part of this phenomenal race but let’s see how you can ace it. 

Let us discuss how we should start our JEE preparation right after the 10th boards.

1. The first thing which you should do is that join a good coaching institute as coaching institutes are the one which gives an organised way to go in the proper direction for the exam and it helps a lot in the whole journey so I strongly suggest you to join coaching institute.

2. Second thing which you can do is that start working hard for more number of hours as hard work is pretty much necessary to succeed in the exam. If you study for 3 hours a day then you should increase it to some extent but this should not be done in a way that you are extending it to 6 or 8 hours directly as this is practically not possible after two or three days. So take small steps and then after a while go on full speed with the preparation. 

3. Next thing which you should do is that never ever fall in the trap of so called famous books like that of Cengage or IRODOV as these books make trap for the students as it is not possible to complete the whole book without any proper guidance of teachers so I would strongly suggest you to first solve your coaching material and then start your bulky books but only after consulting with teachers and if you have supportive teachers then you can ask them to mark some important and required questions so that you can save your time.

4. Positive mindset is very important part in the exam as it makes a high difference in the ranks of two students who are having same level of preparation because many people think that it is very hard exam and make a negative mindset that this will be very hard for them to clear. But on the other hand person with the positive mind will not even consider this point.

5. One more thing which I wanted to add which is very important, is make a healthy diet for yourself. You need to care about the food that you are eating as oily foods will make you feel sleepy but light food like fruits, green veggies and water will help you to stay active and healthy. So try to avoid oily, fast foods etc. Rather eat healthy and be hydrated.

Lastly, I would say keep yourself positive and join PracBee for JEE prep as they have JEE programs specially designed for class 10th students.  

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