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How to stay motivated while preparing for the NEET Exam?

Staying motivated during the NEET preparation, especially at the end is very important. But staying motivated is not as easy as you think. Studying for long hours can give you stress and might decrease your enthusiasm. No matter what, you have to maintain your motivation to score well in this exam. 

When aspirants prepare for the NEET exam, they generally forget to follow the hobbies or activities they like. To stay motivated, one of the most important things is to follow your hobbies. Make a timetable in which you give sufficient time to the activities you like. It will be easier to follow such a timetable.

Do yoga on a daily basis. It helps in maintaining mental peace. It plays an important role in keeping you stress-free. You can also exercise daily. Doing exercise provides both physical and mental strength. This will increase your efficiency at work and you will grasp things easily. You will be able to complete your tasks on time and hence you will stay motivated.

Also, make a practical and feasible timetable. Know yourself and then assign the tasks. Make sure you complete the tasks daily as piling them up will decrease your motivation to work hard. 

As the exam date approaches, staying motivated becomes difficult. Thoughts like whether I will do it or not, Is my preparation enough or not, etc. come to our mind. To fight these thoughts, tell yourself daily that you have prepared well and you will give your best. 

Practice more and more questions to increase your confidence. Having more confidence will boost your motivation drastically. Focus more on topics which you know the least or are difficult according to you. Read these topics thoroughly from NCERT books. Know the concepts and practice the questions. 

To stay motivated, know your subjects. Practice questions. Take proper breaks and complete your tasks daily. Do yoga or breathing exercises. Also, give time to your hobbies. Eat healthily and drink a lot of water. 

Take proper amount of sleep. A minimum of 6 hours of sleep is very important for your brain to function. If your brain functions well then you will learn things easily and more efficiently. Hence, reducing the stress and keeping you motivated.

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