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Giving the best on your exam day

Since exam day is one of the most important days in a student’s calendar, one should be completely prepared in all aspects apart from studying for the exam. There are a lot of things that a student has to take care of in order to give his best in the exam and overcome the pressure to score high marks

First of all, students are advised to get the unnecessary fear out of their head and think of this board exam like any other exam and work hard to ace it. Once all the preparation is done for the exam, there are some other things that students should take care to avoid unnecessary trouble before the exam

  1. Sleep well & eat well

You might have heard this over and over again and that is because it is one of the major keys to do well in your exam. Have a healthy and balanced breakfast before your exam, make sure you do not reach the center hungry. Also it is very important to stay well-hydrated during your exam. Prioritize sleep over last-minute studying. If you have studied well before the exam, the extra hour of sleep will help you to remember what you have learnt much more effectively.

  1. Reach examination center before time

Students are advised to reach the examination center before the scheduled time to avoid any kind of hustle. You should be sure about your exam center before the exam day. If possible do visit the centre in advance to understand the travel time better.

  1. Take everything you’ll need

Make sure you take everything you are required and permitted to have in the exam. Be it extra pens or your water bottle, also do not forget your admit card. Cross-check with your friends about the things which would be required in a particular subject and don’t keep anything for the last moment.

  1. Know exam pattern before exam

Some students might have already solved sample papers or last year question papers so they must have an idea of how the pattern would be. For students, who haven’t solved any question papers are advised to have a look at sample papers to get an idea of the pattern and the kind of questions asked. Also, don’t panic if there’s any change in the pattern.

  1. Read question paper thoroughly

You get 15 minutes at the beginning of the exam to read the question paper, use that time only to read the paper thoroughly and understand it well. Make sure you have complete question paper with no printing errors before starting the exam.

  1. Answer writing

When writing the answer, frame your answer according to what is being asked and how much marks it contains. Try to solve all the parts of the question together, although you can change the sequence of questions in a section. Prioritize your attempt, always attempt the easy questions first and then move on to the manageable ones. Also keep an eye on watch to maintain your speed. Skipping the right questions is also an art. Do skip the questions at the right time without wasting too much time on it.

  1. Don’t get nervous seeing tough questions

It is natural to start worrying as soon as you find that there are a few tough questions, but this will only harm your performance. Don’t get worried about tough questions, they might appear tough but when you actually work on them, you will find most of them to be easier than they seemed. However, if the paper turns out to be tougher try to look for the easier ones and solve those first and then attempt the tougher ones upto the level of your knowledge.

When you feel anxious during the exam, take deep breaths and start again.

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